2018 Annual Meeting Announcement

The Moon Society invites all members to attend our Annual Meeting which will be held on Sunday, August 5th at 6pm Central Time in our online Slack #auditorium channel.

Topics include:

  • 2018-2019 Election Results
  • Annual Report by the President
  • Existing and proposed new projects
  • Recent updates to our websites including Lunarpedia
  • Digital & physical publications
  • Our affiliations and collaborations
  • Membership report
  • Awards of recognition for significant service to the Society
  • Our plans to make the Society ever more effective, and more.

The Annual Meeting is held in our Slack chat/text based tool in the #auditorium and is for members only.

Please click here to join our Slack and access our #auditorium channel on the appointed day & time.

If you are not currently a member and would like to join, you can visit: http://moonsociety.wildapricot.org

You can also RSVP (not required) for the meeting on Facebook using this link: https://www.facebook.com/events/248391279082261/

We hope to see you there!