Moon Miners’ Manifesto

Moon Miners’ Manifesto (MMM) is the official publication of the Moon Society.  It has been published semi-continuously since 1986.

As of February 2018, MMM is published publicly on the Society’s website and via email to subscribers, and we have created a full archive of all past MMM issues that is publicly available. Due to the ubiquity of the modern Internet, we will no longer be mailing hard copies to our members.

Current Issue

Moon Miners’ Manifesto #303

  • Special Issue: 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11

Past Issues

Moon Miners’ Manifesto #302

In this issue: 

  • The Waypaver Foundation and The Moon Society
  • Space Directive 1 and US Space Policy
  • United Launch Alliance’s Cislunar 1000 Vision
  • Moon Village Association Workshop Report
  • Google Lunar XPRIZE Team Update
  • Marspedia Council formed between Moon Society, Mars Society and Mars Foundation
  • President’s Report to Our Members on The State of The Society
  • Update on the Manifesto and Its Future

Past Issues (1986 – 2017)

Moon Miners’ Manifesto originally was published by the Lunar Reclamation Society, which served as the Wisconsin Chapter of the Moon Society and of the National Space Society.

The Moon Society’s Web Committee has assembled a full archive of all issues, including a set of Theme issues, an Image Gallery, the MMM Glossary, the full archive of MMM Classics from 1986-2011, more recent Archive Issues, and the full set of India Quarterly (2008-2013).

Writing for MMM

We’re currently looking for someone (or some people) to take over the role of Editor (or Editors) and lead this great publication into the future.

The Moon Society welcomes anyone to submit articles or other writings for publication in MMM. You don’t even have to be a member (but why wouldn’t you?).

All members are welcome (and encouraged) to volunteer as a MMM Editor or Writer. You can have a voice in how MMM looks and what gets published. Your ideas about future space habitation can be presented and you can have a voice in the space habitation movement.

MMM Theme Issues

MMM Classics (1986-2011)

MMM Classics are a compilation of each year's issues (10 per year). We have MMM Classics starting from 1986 and ending in 2010.

MMM Archive Issues

MMM Archive Issues are the not compilations and are unchanged from their original format.

India Quarterly (2006 - 2011)

Currently discontinued

"M3IQ" was launched in the fall of 2008 shortly after Chandrayaan-1, India's first lunar orbiter, was successfully launched. We have been publishing this Quarterly edition, in pdf format only, with the download link emailed to various organizations and email-lists in India and elsewhere.

While is a strong focus on India's space program and India's future in space, including the Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter and proposed future lunar missions, there is also Indian space news in general, plus a selection of articles from MMM issues current and past deemed by the editorial board to be of interest to Indian readers.

The "Elsewhere in Asia" and "Elsewhere in the Commonwealth" sections expand the scope of the potential audience and in summer 2011 we begun marketing M3IQ to email addresses throughout Asia and the Commonwealth.

MMM Glossary

MMM Glossary

Image Gallery

Image Gallery