NASA has ended all funding for Biological “Advanced Life Support”

According to Gary Mitchell, Director of the NSCORT (NASA Specialized Center of Research and Training) program at Purdue University, with team affiliates at Howard and Alabama A&M University, the program launched in 2002 with a 5 year, $10 million commitment from NASA, has now been shut down early because of pressures on the overall NASA […]

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The view from Sun-Earth L5

Link: The View from Sun-Earth L5 NASA’s new twin STEREO solar observatories launched October 25th, 2006, if successfully deployed in separate orbits ahead and behind Earth in its orbit about the Sun, will give us our first 3D look at Sunspots and the powerful solar flares and the coronal mass ejections that can originate […]

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Lunar Analog Outpost News 10/29/06

We have been brainstorming the future directions of the Moon Society’s Moonbase Analog Program. Thanks to our friends in Calgary, Alberta, Canada who are scouting the way for us, it is beginning to become ever clearer how we should proceed. The Calgary Space Workers are now an affiliated organization of the Moon Society. […]

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The Moon as a Puzzle

Link: The Moon Seems to be a barren, useless “rubble pile” with which it is difficult to imagine that we could do anything useful. But let’s take a second looK! Behind door #1 The “location” and “outline” of the first “door” to the hidden potential of the Moon was hinted at in the Apollo […]

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The View From L5

Link: Why NASA should put a RelaySat & Dedicated Moonscope at L5 Planetary Scientists and others have prioritized sampling missions to the South Pole Aitken Basin, some of which lies within the 60° slice of the Moon’s Farside around the east flank of the Moon. A relay satellite at L5, a stable Lagrange point […]

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How does the Artemis Project™ fit into the Moon Society’s Goals? First let me say that I have been,and still am an ardent supporter of the Artemis Project™ since the day I first learned of it early in 1995. I understand and share the deep devotion to the Project shared by most Moon Society members who joined in the ASI days prior to the […]

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Lunar Enterprise Daily

There is now a direct link on the Moon Society front page to Lunar Enterprise Daily, an online report on moon-relevant space developments published at 12:00 Hawaii Standard Time for the following day’s edition every business day, that is, five days a week, barring holidays. LED’s inaugural issue was November 4, 1999. It was originally […]

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Moon Society hails very successful conclusion of SMART-1 mission

SMART-1, less the fuel it consumed on its lazy corkscrew path to the Moon by ion drive, weighed only 300 some kilos. Of that 19 kilos comprised the set of seven instruments, some flown for the very first time, that would add invaluable new data mapping the Moon’s surface for key elements, notably calcium, and […]

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