Modular Construction within Shielded Megastructures

Link: “Modularity Inside Megastructures” is the current “feature image” posted August 30th to the Society front page, top center. Modular Construction within Shielded Megastructures will be quite different from building individually pressurized modules, whether they are to be each individually shielded, or housed together under a shielded but unpressurized canopy or hanger or lavatube. […]

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Five Months after the Artemis Moonbase Simulation

Five months after our 1st Moonbase Exercise ended in Utah, what do we do, where do we do it, and just how do we “follow suite?” from Peter Kokh, Commander MDRS Crew #45, ”Artemis Moonbase I” We had a great crew for Artemis Moonbase 1, M.D.R.S. crew #45. We had an excellent first selection […]

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Powerpoint Slide Show of Artemis Moonbase Sim

Link: During our recent Artemis Moonbase Simulation exercises at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah, it was Gerry Williams of Mars Society San Diego who was the voice of CapCom for about half of the two-week mission. Now Gerry has taken a pick of the photos taken during the mission and put together […]

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Moon Miners’ Manifesto #302

The Waypaver Foundation and The Moon Society The Waypaver Foundation is a donor funded non-profit with the mission of removing obstacles to human lunar settlement. The Foundation’s website is The Moon Society and Waypaver have joined forces to provide the Society direct access to researchers and projects that need resources. The Society can mobilize its […]

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