Dear NASA, Its Luna Or Nothing! (And That Includes Mars Too!)

For those of you who are unable to spend half their lives in the blogosphere (or on Twitter), you might have come across the frenzied response to NASA’s acting administrator’s suggestion that the US should skip a lunar base and instead focus on the red planet and a few space rocks dancing around Sun. While […]

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Keeping Your Moon Base Dust Free (Without Hiring Martha Stewart)

Despite its beautiful, “crispy” appearance, lunar dust can be a nuisance to both man and machine, clogging gears and irritating lungs. Now it looks as if scientists have developed an innovative way of removing these pesky particles without the need of hiring a professional lunar duster. (New Scientist) To solve the problem, Clark’s team is […]

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Moon Society input to the Obama Transition Team on Space

At its January 14th meeting, the Moon Society Management Council, mindful that different members have different ideas about how the nation’s space program could be better run and better targeted, has not as yet officially endorsed either of two position papers put together separately by Director of Project Development David A. Dunlop and by Chair […]

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Introducing Moon Miners’ Manifesto’s India Quarerly

November 18, 2008 – With the successful launch and arrival in lunar orbit of Chandrayaan-1, India has become the latest member of the “Lunar Club.” For the Moon Society, India is a most fertile ground in which to spread the Society’s international presence. India has the largest English-speaking population of any country in the world. […]

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Introducing Moonbeams, our new free access Science Fiction Publication

Link: Above: Cover of Introductory Issue The Historic Role of Science Fiction Science-Fiction has played a strong role in fostering an interest in Space Exploration, Settlement, and Travel. As far back as the earliest days of NASA and the Apollo program, many NASA personnel and future astronauts have admitted that their individual early interest […]

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Society Gears up for More Action with Project Teams

From Society President Peter Kokh August 16, 2008 At the August 6th Management Council meeting in the moon-leaders room of the ASI-MOO online chat-room environment, in discussing recent major member-ship growth, the effect of aggressively pursued carefully thought out projects took center stage. In the past two years, two projects in particular absorbed the lion’s […]

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Moon Society’s 1st Annual Membership Meeting

By Peter Kokh, President As a new feature in the Moon Society’s recent bylaws revision of February 6th, as reported in MMM #212, February 2008, Moon Society Journal Section (p.9), this year, on the third Wednesday evening of the month after Society elections are finalized, we will launch our first Annual Membership Meeting. Save Wednesday […]

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Solar Power Beaming Demonstration Unit Makes Debut

06-14-2008. Our Solar Power Beaming Demonstration was finished in time to make its debut at the International Space Development Conference in Washington DC on Saturday, May 31st. Photos from the conference: Assembled Unit – Paul Blase, who put the unit together, stands at the side Society Leaders in front of the unit, left to right: […]

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