2019 Election Candidate Statements

It’s time for the Moon Society 2019 Elections. Below are the candidate statements.

Be sure to vote!


Candidate Statements

  • Ben Smith

Hi. I’m Ben Smith and I’m running for one of the Director positions. I’ve been the Membership Coordinator for the Society since October 2018. Additionally, I’m running my own Lunar settlement research at Lunar Homestead (my site). Why should you vote for me? Because I’m one of the few people investing time and effort into moving the Society forward. I attend, and am active in, almost every meeting (critical when we need Board members for a vote). I’m active on our Slack site. I’m helping with the Lunarpedia revival effort. I have several other projects in the works. Finally, I see great potential in the Moon Society and want to be a part in its growth. Let’s make it happen. Thank you for your attention and vote.

  • James Burk

I’m running to retain the office of Vice President, which I was appointed to in early 2018. I also served as the organization’s first VP, way back in 2000. The Moon Society has lots of potential to ignite public interest in space exploration, STEM, and the human settlement of the solar system. The Moon itself represents a unique opportunity for mankind to practice the skills and test out the hardware needed to do all of that, while also creating a large cislunar economy that may be an engine to power the development of the solar system. If I am retained as VP, I will work to build stronger connections with NSS and other space groups, will continue the modernization and expansion of our web and print assets, and will work to grow our membership base by advancing projects that people are interested in helping with. I love our wikis, our publishing assets, and our focus on the Moon, and I will do everything I can possibly think of to advance our potential as an organization. Proud to be working with all of you in this effort. Ad Luna!

  • James Gholston

I first served on the Moon Society board in 2006, and have served multiple terms as an officer or director since that time. I was the one who successfully pushed for the start of Lunarpedia and have been one of the main participants in its development. One of my main goals for the next year is to get Moon Miners’ Manifesto back into regular operation.